31 October 2019

World Gyaru Summit 2020 in Tokyo!


Welcome again to our new blog section, where we would like to bring you news from the community, the gyaru scene, trends or whatever else that might peak your interest!

On to today’s news; as many of you might have already seen, Black Diamond -from 2000- had published a new video on their YouTube channel a few weeks back. In this video they talk about wanting to expand their activities, and as such are holding auditions to recruit a new member for their unit -from 2000-. Subsequently, the deadline for the application was today, 31st of October. However they will hold the auditions in November.

We cannot wait to see who the new member will be and what more fun stuff Black Diamond -from 2000- will bring us!


More importantly, in some exciting news to us as an international community, they had a message for us! Black Diamond have been very interested in bringing gyaru as a whole together! That is to say both inside and outside of Japan. As such they are planning to host an international gyaru summit!!

The “World Gyaru Summit” will be hosted in a club in Shibuya on the 9th of October next year!

While showing us the home ground of gyaru, -from 2000- will perform as well as invite special guests to make the event the success we’re sure it will be!

All of us at Papillon Magazine have been so happy to have been able to work with Black Diamond on our first issue, and to get their active support! I am sure some of us are already planning our trip to Japan! Are you? We hope to see you in Shibuya!

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